Thursday, December 4, 2008

Memories of Shopping

Alexandra and I were talking about shopping and of course, this time of year that is foremost on our minds. I remembered when we used to go to Wichita to shop. It was a BIG deal. We planned ahead and dressed for the occasion. The best part was going to downtown to Innes. We would shop and then have lunch at the tea room. It was such a treat and we felt so grown up. Any time we went shopping in Wichita we dressed up and spent the day.
Shoe shopping was always a priority. That was when someone measured your foot and brought out the correct size. I remember wearing 61/2 AA over AAA,. We usually went home with at least one pair apiece. Since we made most of our clothes, we always had nice shoes to wear.
Amy made the most beautiful things and I still have doll clothes that she made for my prea-Barbie doll. l have the doll also. She would use scraps of material from her suits. I can't remember if she had patterns or just made them. I'm sure she could have done it without a pattern.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, this isn't really related to this charming post, but you should know that I made the Cheesy Ham Chowder last night and received rave reviews. I won't tell you how much they said something to the effect of, "We can't BELIEVE you made us homemade soup, Mom! ..." It's embarrassing! But I feel quite accomplished today. Thanks!
