Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Months of Autumn


Fall is in the air weather you consider November 1st and 81 degrees to be unseasonably warm and not "fallish", it IS November!

I have put a great deal of the yard to bed, with a few odds and ends still out, but to be quite honest, it is still so warm, there hasn't really been an urgency to get it done; so I haven't.

I have been decorating inside however, and I have made some lovely vignettes as an ode to the turning of colors and the abundance of harvest. Here are just a few.

The sideboard in the dining area
The dining room table 

My pilgrims on the piano
Roger's mothers tea set she brought with her upon returning from China in 1940

 In the corner of my beautiful kitchen is a shelf unit that houses many necessities like the telephone, the radio, a box of tissues, and story books for the Grandson, and a shelf for my purse. 

Fortunately it also has a couple of shelves that are strictly for me to display small collections, and current holiday decorations. 

My newest and the one I'm pretty excited about this year is the bargain I found at a yard sale of two of the glass urns. I had the front one already, and I knew exactly what I was going to do with them. 

Last year I filled the small one with coffee beans and a vanilla candle. This year I filled it with French vanilla coffee beans, and a vanilla candle. the tall one with cinnamon sticks and a vanilla candle, and the middle one with mixed un-shelled nuts and a vanilla candle. My house smells fantastic!  

I dislike Halloween, but I do have to admit that the month of October ushers in Fall beautifully and I love it.  

Do You Know What You're Doing?

I've always been a Peanuts fan. I was a fan of Charlie Brown and the gang back when it all started. I have the videos of every Peanuts Special. I have paper back books of Peanuts Cartoons. I'm thinking that Charles Schultz was brilliant. So imagine my glee at finding a Peanuts daily devotional calendar at Hobby Lobby. I snatched it up and it now sits on my kitchen windowsill where I flip the page first thing every morning. This was my greeting one day last week. I thought it the perfect cartoon to usher in fall. 
Do I need to say more