The films the other evening on the news with Sarah Palin at the turkey farm with the turkeys being killed behind her was more my reality. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh at that video and how the news media was carrying on about the turkeys being killed. Do I dare write and tell about lopping the heads off of 40 or 50 chickens a day and dipping them into scalding water to pull off the feathers? Then holding them over an open flame of burning alcohol to singe off the pin feathers before cutting them open to take out all the insides (guts). I couldn't have been more than 11 or 12 years old and I was taking the hatchet and lopping the heads off chickens plus all the rest. Maybe I should tell it. If some kid was doing that now days, they would take the kid away from his/her parents and put them in foster care--which is worse! (You can laugh, it's o.k. I am.)
We just did what had to be done in order to have food on the table. If it meant raising chickens and then killing them, we did it. If it meant having a huge garden and freezing and canning until the middle of the night, we did it. We had one dress for "good" and 3 or 4 for school. We had one "good" pair of shoes and one pair for "everyday". And my kids wonder why I'm such a clothes horse. Anita & I shared a closet that was 4' x 4' at most and a regular size double bed. Our parents had grown up living pretty much the same way.
The last 50-some years in this country have been incredible and we have been very blessed. Actually, we and our children are spoiled rotten when it comes to the comforts of life. But some of us really appreciate all of it. It's a great time of year to remember and give thanks to a God that has made us all so comfortable and made us feel so loved. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
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