I received an e-mail this year from a friend requesting the Orange Roll recipe and thought I should post it here as well. There is a history in bread making for me. You see, when I took Home Economics in High School my teacher told us the first day of my freshman year:
“ If you can learn to make bread, any kind of bread, yeast bread, quick breads, muffins, biscuits, you can learn to make anything. There is a science in bread making, especially yeast breads—master those and you will be able to cook anything else you want.”
We spent our first 6 weeks of cooking class making breads, every shape, size and description. Some I have made ever since, others I never made again, but she was right, learning how to make bread gave me the confidence to cook other things.
When you make bread you have to be willing to get your hands in it, flour all over your apron, and maybe even on your face. But there is nothing that you will make that will bring smiles to the faces of the people you love like bread, any kind of bread, fresh from the oven.
Surveys have shown that one of the most comforting scents to most people is the smell of bread baking……..need I say more?
Merry Christmas!
4 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 pkg active dry yeast
1 cup milk
½ cup sugar
3 T. butter or margarine
3 eggs
In a large mixing bowl combine 2 cups of the flour and the yeast. Heat milk, ½ cup suger, 3 T. butter, and ½ t. salt till warm (115-120o), stirring to melt butter. ( If you can dip your finger into the mixture and it feel really warm but not HOT, it is ready—too hot will kill your yeast). Add to dry mixture; add eggs. Beat at low speed with the mixer for ½ min., scraping bowl. Beat 3 min. at high speed. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a moderately soft dough. Knead on a floured surface till smooth (3-5 min). Place in an oiled bowl; turn once to coat. Cover; let rise till double (1-1 ½ hours). Punch down; divide in half. Cover; let rest 10 min.
While your dough is rising. Mix:
6 Tablespoons butter, softened
1 ½ tsp. shredded orange peel
Roll each half to 12X8-inch rectangle. Spread the butter mixture over dough. Roll up, staring with the long side; seal seams. Slice each into 12 rolls. (I use a piece of sewing thread to cut my rolls. Take the two ends, hold them apart, slide it up under the rolled up dough, and then cross the ends over, and it will cut the rolls without crushing them.) Place in greased 9x1 ½ in. round baking pans. Cover; let rise till double (about 1 ½ hrs.) Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 min. Remove from pan immediately. Place right side up on plate or large piece of aluminum foil.
While rolls are baking, combine:
1 ½ cups sifted powdered sugar
2 to 3 tablespoons orange juice
While rolls are still warm, drizzle glaze over them. Make 24 rolls.
(I don't always remove mine from the pan. :)